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Your chance to change your life starts in the kitchen 

Chefs Camp is a seven-month “training camp” in a professional restaurant kitchen. After an apprenticeship period at the restaurant Skörden in Stockholm, you will be ready to stand on your own two feet and handle a position as a professional chef. Chefs Camp aims to increase the number of chefs in the restaurant business while at the same time offering young people who have been left out a fast track to community and an amazing profession. 

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Our ambassadors


We are the faces behind Chefs Camp 

Chefs Camp was started by chef and restaurateur Melker Andersson, together with entrepreneurs Alexander Throne Holst and Casten von Otter, both successful business leaders in Sweden. The coaches in charge at Chefs Camp are the highly skilled chefs Jimmy Lappalainen, Claes Grahn-Möller and Thomas Kihlström. Chefs Camp also relies on the engagement of our restaurant patrons as well as our ambassadors’ important contributions. 

Chefs Camp + Skörden

At Chefs Camp, you will learn to cook in a real kitchen, in a real restaurant with real guests and real raw ingredients. 

In seven months you can become a professional chef! 

Chefs Camp is for young people who love to prepare food and want to work as restaurant chefs. You are welcome to apply even if your Swedish isn’t very good. No prior skills with food preparation or previous experience working in a restaurant are required. 

But it’s a plus if you are: 

• Interested in food  

• Goal-oriented 

• Into working at a fast pace 

• A team player 

• Positive and fair to others 

• Readily take instructions and follow rules  

It’s easy to apply to Chefs Camp. Start by filling out the form found at the link. If you are chosen for an interview, you will hear from us shortly. Chefs Camp takes in apprentices on a regular basis, so you don’t need to worry about an application deadline! 

Who can apply? 

We started Chefs Camp to give young people a foot in the door to a profession that is both fun and stimulating. The purpose is for those who feel that they don’t belong, that they have been left out, to get a chance to find a place within the community. To apply for Chefs Camp, you need to be between 18 and 25 years old. 

How many will be chosen? 

Chefs Camp takes in five trainees every month, and lets out five chefs a month.

How does it work? 

If you are chosen to be part of Chefs Camp, you will be part of a chef’s team of around five people. Each chef’s team has a professional chef serving as a coach and who is responsible for training the team members. At Chefs Camp, you will learn to be an excellent professional chef over a period of six intensive months. You will get a chance to learn to prepare everything from street food and Swedish classics, to bistro fare and traditional home-cooked food from all over the world.  

If you pass your six months’ apprenticeship at Chefs Camp, you can consider yourself a professional chef!  


Are you interested? Apply to Chefs Camp today! 

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